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The recent spike in comics franchises and other superhero entertainment could soon take an especially fabulous turn if Perry Moore gets his way. The novelist and Chronicles of Narnia co-producer (pictured) blabbed to Vulture this week about negotiations to adapt his young adult novel Hero — about Thom Creed, "the world's first gay superhero" — for TV; Moore expects a deal with one of two unnamed networks any day now, but he isn't waiting around to affirm its credibility among gays, fanboys, gay fanboys, executives and myriad other demographic permutations:

He described the live-action series as labyrinthine and similar to Lost. "It's not campy either — it's not The Gayest American Hero. He just happens to be gay. It's just one of the many things he wrestles with."

Moore, a longtime Walden Media executive, was one of the passel of producers on the Narnia movies, but sounds dramatically more excited about the producer who's helping shepherd Hero along: Stan Lee. "The ultimate fanboy moment," Moore calls the first phone call from "legend" Lee. "Just to have a straight older man who's the comic-book legend of all time ... just to have him think that the next big movie is my humble little creation about the world's first gay superhero — it was just wonderful. Wonderful!"

We're excited, too, if only for another moody, marquee franchise role in the making for Shia LeBeouf. Well, that and to see what the Happy Meal tie-in looks like.

[Photo Credit: Getty Images]