In a video testimonial posted this weekend to YouTube (do you call something that runs at 1 frame-per-second a "video," or just a really fast slide show?), American Idol contestant Danny Noriega—who before a premature ouster ushered in such hot-tranny-fierce-messisms as "TMTH: too much too handle," "ish," "mmm-hm," and, most notably, "SOME people weren't LIKIN' it," (accompanied by a whiplash-inducing neck-swivel)—revealed that he hasn't so much as received a ticket to attend any portion of this week's two-part, all-David finale.

We'll allow Danny to fill you in on the shocking details, only occasionally interrupted by a ringing cellphone (disconcertingly bedentured Idol producer Nigel Lythgoe breaking the sad news that "his hands are tied?") or intrusive ("HOLD ON MOM, I'M DOING SOMETHING IMPORTANT!!!") family member. The level of injustice here is somewhat astonishing, especially when you consider that the guy who sang "I'm Your Brother" is confirmed for stage time and currently repped by Endeavor's new Southeast Asian Musical Pimp Department. There is still time, Idol Powers That Be: Right this wrong, unless you are prepared to face the TMTH wrath of a nation of Danny's Fannys rising up and not LIKIN' it. Not LIKIN' it one bit! (Mmm-hm!)