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Jeez. Busty Amanda Congdon left her gig hosting internet video time-waster Rocketboom back in 2006? Has it really been so long since anyone's heard from her? Well, you know the story. She moved on to bigger and better things, on proper television. An HBO development deal and a gig with ABC news. Neither went anywhere. ABC had no use for her, and they were also a little peeved that she was doing "freelance commercial work" for DuPont. Her development deal developed nothing. So now she's hooked up with some production studio called Media Rights Capital to make another cheap web video program. Hooray! Did you know Congdon invented being internet-famous, btw?

"She was really one of the first, if not the very first, Internet blog stars," said Dan Goodman, the president of digital media for Media Rights Capital. "She has been entertaining people in the digital space since there were people to entertain there."

Ah yes, who can forget late 2004: the dawn of blogging. Or maybe just the first time ladies blogged. Blogged in a way that allowed users to see how pretty they were. It was a revolution! So we're sure Congond's new venture, "Sometimes Daily," will be a staggering success. Because it's not at all like there's been a glut of unwatched web video projects since she left the game in 2006 or anything!

The lesson here, of course: internet fame is not transferable to other media. Until Julia Allison's tv show launches.

After Forays With ABC and HBO, a Video Blogger Returns to Video Blogging [NYT]