Wired parent buys Ars Technica — and Webmonkey, too?

TechCrunch reports that CondeNet, the online arm of Condé Nast and the parent of Wired.com, has bought Ars Technica, a rival technology news site. But if the latest issue of Wired is any indication, that's not the only tech property that's moved to CondeNet recently. On page 24, Wired's June issue announces a new version of Webmonkey, a defunct site for Web developers, under a list of Wired.com features:
He's Back!
Webmonkey was the original Web-developer's resource. now it's reborn as the go-to destination for programmers of all levels. Flex your skills at Webmonkey.com.
The Webmonkey site, which was originally launched by HotWired, the online arm of Wired, in 1996, shows no sign of recent activity, and the old logo hasn't been changed to match the one that appears in Wired. Webmonkey was not part of Condé Nast's $25 million purchase of Wired Digital in 2006 from Lycos, which is now a subsidiary of Korean Internet company Daum.