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For our post "How a girly girl made serious bank on her startup," Patricia Handschiegel — who did just that with her own startup, StyleDiary — told us that sometimes one has to let the girl's-girl image go. More often, though, a girl just has to make the most of the time she has. Handschiegel posted 573 words on "ways to cheat the system for when I'm too busy to get a manicure or to the spa." Here's a version of you can read on your BlackBerry Pearl:

How to be a girl and a CEO

  • Invest in a magnifying mirror, with a light, for touching up your eyebrows if you can't get them done, and putting on eye makeup easier.
  • Take hair vitamins.
  • Get good facial and body scrubs.
  • Buy a good nail polish and top coat — stretch the life of your manicure/pedicure.
  • Find the easy, never fail thing for your hair when you're running late but want to look good.
  • Have a default makeup look you can do quickly or on the go.
  • Create pre-canned, ready to go outfits. Ask anybody about my black cashmere sweater dress. It has gotten me through a ton of events.
  • Moisturize head to toe; include your cuticles.
  • Buy hair glaze when needed before big meetings.
  • Carry the essentials with you, always.