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Metromix L.A. posted an angry—and justifiably so, we'd say—response to a NY Times piece from earlier in the week about the movement to save L.A.'s beloved taco trucks, currently endangered thanks to new city ordinances that would limit where they can do business. (The article begins, "Los Angeles, loath to rally cohesively around a local cause, has joined hands around tortillas," and continues to paint a portrait of an apathetic community who only manage to rally when the fate of their al pastor-access is in danger.) Decries Metromix:

In drawing upon predictable stereotypes, Steinhauer presumes that food is not in itself political. While we stupid Angelenos fail to notice real issues like architectural blights on our skyline or the mismanagement of municipal funds, the food-obsessed have rallied around something as inconsequential as taco "carts."

Steinhauer at once minimizes the gravity of the issue and the accompanying call-to-arms while also failing to recognize that food plays a significant role in dispensing culture. And in a place as complex as L.A., food is the first, if not only, ambassador that enables communication between disparate and varied communities.

Yes, taco trucks are about as authentic or integral to Mexican cuisine as bacon-wrapped hot dogs from a mini cart. But like those hot dog carts—which are a far cry from the NYC street carts that Steinhauer must be used to—they are but one representation of the resourcefulness and fortitude that sustain L.A.'s immigrant communities.

Yeah! Who you calling "loath to rally," NY Times? This from a newspaper whose recent, L.A.-based crack investigative work includes, "As 'American Idol' Fans Cheer, A Geppetto Pulls the Strings", and "Amidst the Engineered Reality of L.A.'s The Grove, A Real You." Angelenos care! About a lot of stuff—not just parking restrictions. When's the last time a New Yorker got a rubber bullet in the neck at an immigrants' rights demonstration? Or a Hummer over the foot protesting at the Bronson Gate? Or faced down an evil Japanese dolphin fisherman?
What do we want?!
Tacos and a bunch of other stuff!
When do we want them?!