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As Variety reports today, MTV just greenlit eight episodes of a new reality show called The Search For Elle Woods, in which ten blonde hopefuls will compete to play the lead in Broadway's version of Legally Blonde. Reminiscent of NBC's You're The One That I Want, that high-kicking monstrosity in which amateur dancing, singing, crying, laughing Great White Way hopefuls danced their little hearts out for the chance to star in last year's revival of Grease, this one will thankfully rely on judges instead of America to determine the winner. But after hearing the details behind MTV's production plans, our initial sense is that the summer series will be utterly unwatchable. Three reasons why this show should not go on, after the jump:

1. Haylie Duff Will Host: While Duff isn't the worst reality show host in history (in case you hadn't heard, Elizabeth "I'm! So!...Scared." Berkeley is currently overseeing Step It Up And Dance), she's no Heidi Klum or Simon Cowell. Sure, she has a smidge of Broadway cred (she appeared in Hairspray), we're not too optimistic about her ability to intimidate the ten competitors or dominate the judges' table.

2. Speaking Of The Judges' Table: We do hate referencing Step It Up twice in one post, but as Var reports, legendary Broadway vet Jerry Mitchell will join casting agent Bernard Telsey in roles roughly equivalent to Project Runway's Michael Kors and Nina Garcia. But Jerry, the adorable Tim Gunn-esque bundle of loveliness that he is, currently mentors the scandal-ridden contestants on Step It Up. Two problems here: one, is this an early sign that the Bravo dancing show is kaput? And secondly, is Mitchell really titillating enough to keep viewers coming back? He's a sweetheart. He doesn't say "dawgs" like Idol's Randy, or "I feel like the Pope at a sex club" like PR's Kors.

3. The Movie-To-Musical Trend Is Risky Business: With the exceptions of Hairspray, The Producers, and Cabaret, the latest attempts to turn hit movies into Broadway hits have failed both critically and monetarily. Mel Brooks' sophomoric effort to turn one of his classics, Young Frankenstein, into song-and-dance gold fell short as critics frowned. Xanadu has done well with tourists but at the end of the day, the only reason to go is to watch hot boys and girls wiggle around stage on roller skates. And don't forget that Footloose recently crashed and burned. Unfortunately for the producers of Legally Blonde (who will not only have to train a new lead, but also part with Laura Bell Bundy, the show's only saving grace), the only hope for the continuation of their show appears to be, well, this show.

[Photo credit: More Things]