In the late 1990s, employees of Rupert Murdoch's NDS hacked into EchoStar/DISH Network's satellites, or something, and posted secret security codes on the internet, "allowing criminals to counterfeit the security cards used by subscribers to the DISH Network satellite service." Murdoch was reportedly peeved that DISH Network didn't want him to buy them. Now EchoStar is suing News Corp for millions of dollars, and the judge suggests that News Corp will lose if Murdoch doesn't personally take the stand and deny involvement, which he doesn't really want to do. He's a busy man! Just last week he personally moved that weird single-panel cartoon about business from the Wall Street Journal's editorial page to the "Leisure & Arts" section. "Pepper's move could make way for a more Murdochian brand of editorial cartoon, cartoonists said." [ABC]