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Genius Bar, My Ass!
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A distraught Rachel McAdams left the Mac Store after waiting over half an hour to get some help with her recently purchased MacBook. McAdams was at the end of line of people who apparently were incapable of understanding how their iPod worked. It was then that McAdams decided to fall back on training she received on the set of Mean Girls; she sighed and paced around the Genius Bar in a real huff, exuding all of the bitchy qualities that Lindsay Lohan taught her, but it was all for naught. McAdams then asked the person ahead in line if she could go ahead of him, but the man explained that if he doesn't get his iPod fixed ASAP, he can't work out. And if he can't work out, he'll gain weight and get depressed. He closed by saying that McAdams wouldn't want that hanging over her head.

[Photo Credit: INF Daily]