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Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster fired back at eBay on the official Craigslist blog last night, asserting that the auction giant, the owner of a large stake in Craigslist, didn't bother to contact anyone at the company before filing suit. eBay's action, wrote Buckmaster, "hints at ulterior motives." Dozens of commenters left notes in support of the online classifieds site. My favorite is from one Genevieve McGill:

Dear Craig's List, I LOVE U VERY MUCH!!! PRETTY-PLEASE let me know if I can do ANYTHING to support you. I am a Powerful,Licensed Massage therapist in FL who will use ALL of My intellectual BICEPS & anything I've got to be your dutiful minion.

And I bet she's only one of many fans who'd be happy to help release the hunky Buckmaster's eBay-taunting tension.