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We're not surprised at the news that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is locked in at a running time of 140 minutes — at least 20 minutes longer than it should be to achieve that coveted $300 million mark Paramount wants for it. But that's nothing compared to the film's production stills, the most dismaying of which we found couched over at Hollywood Elsewhere and you can check out after the jump.

We could buy Indiana Jones training a rocket launcher on Nazis 27 years ago in Raiders of the Lost Ark, but there's something more self-parodic than self-referential going on in the above photograph. This could very well be Paramount's stab at viral marketing, encouraging fans to circulate the artwork in pursuit of the most ludicrous caption invoking the "good old days," relative star-power, women drivers, erectile dysfunction, the film's box-office prognosis... you get the idea. For our part, we're happy to play along, and we hope you will, too — it's the only thing really sustaining our interest at this point.