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Despite the fact that only a couple of fools went to see Fool's Gold when it opened Stateside back in February, stars Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey are still dutifully promoting the film over in London. And McConaughey is still dutifully making a fool of himself. The dad-to-be didn't strip down and play naked bongos on the red carpet, but he did have trouble keeping his eyes off Hudson's satin-clad new curves. Curves which managed to leave everyone feeling "seasick" due to her green gown clashing with a gimmicky blue carpet. Kate's solution? Revisit those Lessons We All Learned In College and maneuver into a new dress in the confines of a "loo" stall!

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As the Daily Mail reports, Kate's turquoise Galliano gown severely clashed with the bright blue carpet she and Matthew walked across, presumably meant to reflect the abundance of ocean water in the movie (not that we saw it or anything, but we did see those airbrushed posters). So Kate managed to maneuver into a more diplomatic little black dress for the after-party. What is it about London and tooting old movie horns that makes otherwise well-behaved female stars let their guard all the way down? At least Kate didn't pull a Renee and waltz out of the "ladies' toilets" covered in mascara goop.

[Photo credits: The Sun, Alan Davidson via Daily Mail]