Can you believe it's been eight years since Mrs. Frank Gifford "left" her post as co-host of Regis & Kathie Lee? (Yes kids, before there was Kelly, there was Kathie Lee.) It seems like just yesterday that the former pageant queen was smothering us with her cackling chatter and inane stories. But that was yesterday; this is Today.

Kathie Lee re-emerged, bony and tight-faced, on NBC's Today Show yesterday. And what a premiere it was! Appearing on the much unneeded fourth hour of the "news" program, Kathie Lee beamed with pride, even as her co-host Hoda Kotb constantly ignored her and cut her off. But it was Harvey Fierstein who brought tears to her eyes, as Kathie Lee was serenaded by the frog-voiced actor. Standing a foot away from him, Kathie Lee leaned in and stared as if she was about to kiss the man of her dreams. (She even repeated this creepy act on today's episode, culminating in a mouth kiss with Gilbert Gottfried.) We can't wait to see what unattractive actor who sounds like a gravel truck she can seduce on Day 3!