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As proven by Lindsay Lohan, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a contemporary actress attempting to recreate the magic of an iconic 60s photo shoot. But while the just-rehabbed Lohan chose to recreate an infamous shoot featuring soft-core nudity, Jessica Simpson chose to ... shave her face? Don't get us wrong, we loves us some Verna Lisi, but this just doesn't have the same Wow Factor.

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At a recent magazine conference, art director and legendary ad man George Lois explained the rationale behind his legendary Esquire photo shoot: "I spoofed the upcoming woman's movement by slapping shaving cream on the beautiful blonde Italian actress Virna Lisi [because] no American beauty had the [bleeps] to pose for it." We respect that, certainly, but we're not exactly sure that the context holds the same meaning for Jessica Simpson in 2008 that it did for Lisi back in 1965. It's one thing to show your tits freely after getting out of rehab, but it's another to slather shaving cream on your face and call it an homage. One takes balls; the other? A sock in the pants.