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This week was kind of gross. People were making out with people they really shouldn't be, stupid rich kids were getting upset about their privacy, there was some unpleasantness about the Black Party, and all manner of other awful stuff. But you, dear commenters, gracefully transcended the grimy bonds of the subject matter to say many beautiful things. OK, not beautiful maybe. But at least reflecting some human decency and principle that tells me you would never suck face with Frankenberry. Find some of the best after the jump.

  • From Dusty in the Wind in First Spencer, Now This:
    "First off, can we resolve the permalance thing?
  • I mean, if you're in a dormant sleeper cell with benefits from your cover job, that's one thing. But unless you're at the top or a double-agent (some of whom get two 401K plans, etc.) the vast majority of us do nothing except plot full-time, and you're still telling me we're not staff? What? You've to date back to the Sadat assassination to get some lousy dental?
  • It's fucking bullshit. " [Pareene's pick]
  • From BettyCrocker in Txt Msg Slang makes Ads Stpdr 4 U:
    "Lyf's bt a wlkn shdw, a pr playa, tht strts n frts hs hr on t stg & thn is hrd no mo; its a tale tol by n idt, fulla snd & fury, sgnfyn 0." [Hamilton's pick]
  • From Steverino in Adrien Brody at Japonica:
    "Citizen journalism is creepy." [Ryan's pick]
  • From ADismalScience in Kids Should Be Abandoned in Bloomingdales More Often:
    "It's like frogger, but with hipsters and rapists." [Sheila's pick]
  • From The Supergoddess in Trouble Brewing With Hipster Kickball League:
    "commenting on gawker is only half of what it means to be a gawker commenter, in my opinion. I've busted my ass as hard or harder than most gawker bloggers without an official title for months. I'm there just about every post picking up the spirits of the bloggers (and grumbled slightly under my breath every time a new flirting, tit-flashing commenter was added, like, what? I'm not enough for you people?). I remember who was always out there with me *finger guns at CCG*, who would stick around when the few of us shouted that everyone should at least try to say one nice thing about nick douglas to generally be ignored. I've carried mr. denton's bags that contain the dead bodies of choire sicha, emily gould and joshua david stein when I could barely move my arms after a long ass day of drinking bourbon and clapping excitedly, especially a special event day... especially a special event say where I end up with carpal tunnel because I commented every second I was there."

Your Party Pick this week went to the always dependable iplaudius who deadpanned in Rape T-Shirt Could Be Even Bigger Than Abortion T-Shirt:
"Ask me about my miscarriage."

Good work everyone! Keep your tongues out of Perez Hilton's mouth!