Chris Rock Competes With HuffPo Journalist in Battle of Pellicano Trial Cameos

The salacious details of Chris Rock's model-smearing exploits with Anthony Pellicano were front-and-center at the disgraced PI's wiretapping trial this morning, when the comic took the stand for less than an hour. It was barely the most appealing Pellicano morsel in Variety today, in fact, with arguably the year's greatest headline — Weiner Gets Served in Pellicano Case — announcing the Huffington Post reporter Allison Hope Weiner's temporary restraining order yesterday outside the courtroom.
But first things first. Var reporter Diane Garrett only minutes ago broke the scoop that Chris Rock has a problem with cross-examination:
Rock had testified that he sought Pellicano's services at the advice of his attorney when a one-night stand kept insisting that he was father of her child. When [attorney Chad] Hummel referred to Rock's "belief" that he was not the father, the comedian got visibly annoyed.
"That was not a belief of mine," Rock clarified. "It was true."
When Hummel then probed why Rock thought the model's claims were a shakedown, he replied: "Someone who was not pregnant with my child claimed to be pregnant with my child and requested large sums of money."
We all know how that went, but we're especially interested to see what shakes down in Weiner's case. The HuffPo blogger leaked the Chris Rock tapes and recently irritated scary Hollywood lawyer Bert Fields with her reports that he would take the Fifth Amendment in his own testimony; that passed, but after being approached Thursday while retrieving her mobile phone from the courthouse hall, indeed, Weiner got served:
The journo, who has a law degree, said it was the first time she had been served. She previously raised eyebrows for invoking her legal status to gain access to Pellicano in jail while covering the story for the New York Times.
The restraining order did not deter Weiner from continuing to report on the trial, however. Within an hour she was blogging away from a bench outside the courtroom.
A woman after our own hearts, though if we're being honest, we've never passed up the opportunities our own restraining orders have afforded us for a day off. Or at least an early lunch. We presume Arianna would understand; it's not like she's paying anybody or anything.