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This made me LOL for real: In this post about the memo CNET CEO Neil Ashe sent out regarding CNETs recent layoffs, commenter random_play penned a beauty:

The memo is as transparent as it is salient. Simply, Neil Ashe states that CNET needs to embrace change by exploiting their first-mover advantage to drive efficiencies by conceptualizing and architecting brand-centric, seamless, end-to-end, best-of-breed solutions for forward-leaning virtual communities.

But wait, we're just getting started:

The new is old. Agile is the new New. We are at the tipping point. This will change everything. It's about dynamic aggregation, not static accumulation. High impact/low adhesion. Vertically integrated solutions for a flat world. Long tail, meet fat snout. You need someone who gets it: Splog is an aggregate noun. Roll your own roll-your-own. Social is the new push. Tag the globe, then globalize the tags. Microformats for metablogging. Enable rich-client widgets for on-demand streams. Above all, incentivize semantic synergies and you'll never have to worry about monetizing sticky eyeballs — they'll be glued to your viral paradigm!

The worst part? I could actually see some of The 250 earnestly saying some of that. Especially the dynamic aggregation bit.