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Having (so far) failed to entice British power duo Posh 'n Becks into their ever-growing nest of celebrity Scientologists, Tom Cruise and Co. have apparently decided that their next best approach to conquering Great Britain is to aim a few notches lower on the celebrity totem pole. The Sun is reporting that 2007 tabloid fixture Pete Doherty is "is hooked on the barmy religion which believes humans are an exiled race from outer space" [Ed. Note - Barmy?] and that he "has bought a pile of books on the subject" ever since falling into the sack with a Scientologist DJ (presumably not Danny Masterson, but you never know). But if we were running the CoS, we'd be a wee bit nervous about inducting Doherty into the clan; despite having killed more brain cells than Ozzy Osbourne, Pete's not exactly the kind of guy one should entrust with keeping secrets.

As some of you may recall, after Kate Moss finally and triumphantly dumped Pete after one too many caught-on-camera drug/sex/rock 'n roll escapades, he poured his barely pumping heart out to the UK tabs, revealing everything under the sun about their sex life and all the bad behavior she'd allegedly engaged in while they were dating. With that in mind, we have all of our fingers and toes crossed that Doherty manages to weasel his way into the church. We would be ecstatic if Doherty reached OT-VIII, only to fall off the wagon and turn back to the white lady, which would undoubtedly lead him to divulge just about everything that's been going on inside the House of Hubbard for a dimebag of skunkweed. Go forth, Pete, and come back with some great stories. We support you!