LiveUniverse execs "out of touch," engineers leaving

LiveUniverse, the often acquisitive company founded by tetchy former MySpacer Brad Greenspan, is bleeding engineers. That's according to one LiveVideo codemonkey who's begun applying for work at the company's competitors. Why? Because executives, like Greenspan, are "out of touch with the employees, the industry, and the company itself." The straying underling was especially concerned about being outed, because apparently said executives are regular readers of Valleywag. Hey guys! How about getting in touch with your employees by reading the lament of one geek for hire who's formulating their own exit strategy.
leet&leavin: oh I so hope this doesn't come back to me - but yes people have been leaving LiveVideo — more than I can count on one hand leet&leavin: everyone works their butts off but no there basically is no middle management and the exec's are out of touch with the employees, the industry, and the company itself leet&leavin: but a bunch of people working hard in 50 different directions with no unity is useless leet&leavin: it just costs a lot of money leet&leavin: and nothing really gets done