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Is Ali Lohan's new look just a matter of spiffing up her hair and makeup for the Living Lohan camera crew, or could she be the latest victim of Ashlee Simpson Syndrome? As you'll recall, Ashlee wasn't able to escape the shadow of her big sister until she went under the knife, and now it appears that lil' Lohan might be following her lead. Some recent shots of her out and about on the red carpet show a nearly unrecognizable version of her former clean-faced, mousy-haired, age-appropriate self. After the jump, we took a look at a few before and after shots to try and figure out if Ali's new hotness is the result of a knife or if she just found herself one hell of a hairdresser.

Here's Ali last year, avoiding too much makeup, and letting her hair hang long and straight:

This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

And here's Ali this week, premiering new bangs, smokey eyes, Sunset Tan skin, and noticeably plumper lips:

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Putting aside the aesthetic differences, the fact we find most distressing is how much she's starting to resemble big sis Lindsay. However, it's important to note that Lindsay didn't transform into a dark haired, attitude laden diva until she was nearly 18 years old. We fear Lindsay's distance from Momager/Pimp Dina has resulted in Ali becoming White Oprah's new pet project. What's next, veneers and butt implants for Cody once Ali's been in and out of the revolving rehab door a few times too many?

[Photo Credits: Splash, Wireimage, Getty]