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Justin Chambers, of Grey's Anatomy "fame", is one of those actors you have a really tough time figuring out whether you'd rather slap across the face or take him home for a one-night stand. In the end, of course, you'd like to do both. But after reading this story regarding his behavior while going out solo in Palm Springs this week, we're more inclined to team up with his wife Keisha, don The Bride's yellow onesies and stage a formal attack directed by Tarantino. (Maybe Rodriguez could even lend us a machine gun leg-strap-on?) According to Star:

"When [a waitress] showed no interest, he slapped money out of her hand. 'As she picked it up off the floor, he said, 'That's right, bitch, that's where you belong. Pick up the money!'...At one point, he was hunched over a table, then abruptly woke up and shouted out of the blue, 'I am a father of five kids! I am a damn good father! Leave me alone!'"

And if the tale sounds too good to be true, well, the eagle eyes at Star have the damning photographic evidence to prove it, after the jump:

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Oh dear. Certainly the pictures aren't pretty, but before we whip out our Hattori Hanzōs and start going to town, we might want to put the following into consideration: apparently Justin suffers from a "sleep disorder," which even caused him to get emergency treatment last month. And sure, that could explain the drowsiness and the passing out and the slurring, but last time we checked, stars checking themselves into hospitals for all kinds of medical emergencies (asthma! bipolar disorder! exhaustion!), tended to be code speak for a little thing called The Crazies. And when you couple these pictures with the witness' claims, we're led to believe that Justin's in need of more acting roles, not Ambien.

[Photo Credit:]