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WHOA WHAT A WEEK. Spitzer swallowed, remember? And then other things happened related to that. And you, always you, said things upon things upon things about that story and about others. Funny things, thoughtful things. It's an intimidating prospect to cull five of the best comments of the week from such a mighty volume of good work. So I've once again turned to my fellow Gawker staff members and sought their counsel. Find our picks after the jump.

  • Sheila - From VirusWithShoes in Mary Rambin Cheerfully Admits to Restylane. It's long, but a selection follows: From The Discovery Channel programme "When Idiots Attack" "... currently scientists are worried that certain parasitic entities based on the western seaboard of the United States are being mimicked on the East. The species Parisiticas Hiltonas, once only found in warmer climes, seems to have split and formed a sub-species in large urban areas. This new parasite - Parasitas Rambinis - has recently been discovered in New York. It is of the same genus as the Hiltonas species - primarily defined by it's low weight-to-brain ratio, it's spindly arms and legs, and abhorrent fascination with it's own image in any shape or form. This relatively new creature leaves a trail of stupidity in the form of blog-posting about subjects only relating to itself.
  • Hamilton - From KarenUhOh in Stanley Fish Finds Right and Wrong Spectacularly Interesting: Wow. "Author, law professor, columnist" and "blogger"? He's claimed a seat in the First Four Levels of Murk. Now all he needs is to go into the clergy, politics, and auto repair.
  • Rebecca - From BullfightsOnAcid in The Lady Doth Protest Too Much: Their next issue is going to be "LOLCats: Has It Gone Too Far?"
  • Rebecca , again (she loves you!) - From janesays in I Am a Fan of the New Yorker: I think we should all facebook friend the new yorker and facebook message David Remnick poetry we did in high school. That'll teach them to dabble in web 2.0.
  • Me - From InOtherNews... in Onlooker Terrified by Blind Guv: "Don't do it honey. DON'T DO IT! Oh God. He's raising his right hand. Where's that Bible? THE BIBLE! I hope Fred made it up to the roof. FRED! SHOOT IT OUT OF THE JUDGE'S HAND! SHOOT IT! He's gonna do it. Oh God. Lieutenant fucking Governor. Oh God. WHY!!! Spitzer is a JACKASS! Well, maybe not. Get a grip, girl. Get a grip. Get... a... AAAAAAIEEEE! Don't do it David! I love you! Don't you see, this will tear us apart? We'll have to spend time in Albany. ALBANY! Who the hell lives in Albany? DENNIS FINCH from 'Just Shoot Me!', that's who! The man isn't even REAL! David! David Paterson! One 'T'. Jeez. Don't do it! THERE'S NO MACY'S UP THERE! Please honey. Please! I'll buy you a sandwich. A new tie? I know you like fish. How about - oh honey, how about an aquarium? With tropical fish? SALTWATER! Oh honey, I'll give you that goddamned 'Freaks and Geeks' DVD set you want. The whole first season! Okay? OKAY? David? DAVID!!!" thought Mrs. Paterson to herself.

And then there is You. Commenter AndSheSaid, as I've said before, is always in your corner. She sends me lovely, thorough emails detailing her favorite comments of the week. Today she singled-out KarenUhOh. Her words are kind and dead-on, so I thought I'd just post them verbatim: "She can run the gamut from insights about art and literature (does it get any pithier than "Truth really fucks up Art. "?) to sex jokes about Burger King. She is mistress of the word-play ("Girls just want to have fuh.") and the fast take-down. ('Can this cop go tase Jared the Subway Guy?'). There are combinations of these comment genres with her literary analysis/character assassination of David Mamet ('Any one of his characters would whack the crap out of him in five words or less.'). And she can also top any political quip they have on Wonkette ('I wait in vain for the day when our concern for politicians fucking equals that for politicians fucking us.')"

AGREED. Well done!