5WPR CEO Ronn Torossian has forwarded us an email from Doug Imbruce, CEO of theU and CollegeOTR—the company that decided not to hire 5W previously, as reported in our last item. Click through to read Imbruce's entire email to 5W, in which he apologizes for the headache and objects to our characterization of their relationship. Though minutes later, Imbruce emailed us to add: "But, for the record: We are not hiring 5WPR as a direct result of the behavior of their CEO, and I am shocked he forwarded that email to you prior to me reaching out."


I am sure you have seen http://gawker.com/367599/former-potential-client-now-finds-ronn-%5Bsic%5D-torossian-nauseating.

Wanted to let you know that I am just as surprised as you at the piece that ran today.

Thus far, my company has managed to avoid playing in the rumor mongering/gossip slinging blog sandbox, but I guess working in new media in NYC means such exposure is inevitable. Realize the email that the post above was based on was not approved by me, nor was I aware of it until I was just forwarded the link .

I have a deep respect for how thorough the 5WPR team was in presenting a PR strategy for OTR and theU.com. As a private individual, Stephanie is entitled to email colleagues with industry feedback, although I have to say I am disappointed in the way she involved us in your ongoing Gawker saga (but at the same time not sure she knew her email was going to end up getting published).

Please realize that the email Stephanie sent (I was just shown a copy) also praised the thorough preparation of the 5W team. Quoting from the email: "I must admit: the materials 5W presented were impressive. They obviously spent time researching the company and outlining potential strategies." The negative portion was a small part of what she said, but obviously the portion Gawker focused on.

Many apologies: I did not wish to add to your headaches.


Doug Imbruce, CEO

theU & collegeOTR