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We have some troubling news to report: contrary to popular belief, Justin Timberlake is (spoiler alert) not funny. According to Radar Online, that masterful introductory speech JT recited at the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame on Monday night was more than just a fun series of anecdotes about Madonna's B12 shots and Britney putdowns. For those on the scene, it was a painful series of awkward silences and lame attempts at humor, made even more painful by Justin's Norton-like tries at improvising some jokes of his own:

"Timberlake's attempts at humor flopped, and breaking into a falsetto sing-songy funnyvoice after botching a scripted line didn't help...When he finished, the NSYNCsman was asked by one of the producers if he 'felt good about the speech.' 'Yeah. I mean, how is everyone else's [speech]?' Timberlake replied nervously."

We're actually quite saddened to hear this news, mainly because we so thoroughly enjoyed nearly every pitch-perfect second of his 2005 hosting duties on Saturday Night Live. There was the super competitive hot dog, the Target employee with a chapstick addiction, and the dead-on revenge-impersonation of Ashton Kutcher swiveling out of his mind on Punk'd. And then, in his December 2006 return, there was that digital short that had everyone under the age of 80 extolling the virtues of dicks in boxes. So what happened? We guess JT is only as funny as the cue cards the SNL staff has written for him. Oh well, at least this won't hurt his budding film prospects playing Very Serious roles.