Sesame Street Shoe Fairy and part-time unicorn jockey Neil Patrick Harris was cornered by ET recently, who demanded from the How I Met Your Mother star the inside scoop on news that Britney Spears would be making her primetime TV comeback on the CBS sitcom. Responding with all the expert assuredness of an extremely well-read bathroom-literature junkie, Harris expressed "shock that Mme. Spears" was feeling up to the rigors of a role unlike any she has tackled before (she plays a secretary). He then goes on to advance a fascinating theory:

That the last few turbulent years of the pop star's life was a brilliantly planned and executed publicity ruse, with the singer/actress snapping back into a model of level-headed professionalism the second she gets within 15 meters of a sound stage craft services table. It's almost plausible, until that moment Spears comes barreling out of her dressing room and tosses the melted remnants of of a Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino Blended Crème at a camera operator she mistook for a paparazzo, before hunting down "that scene-hogging witch-lady" Alyson Hannigan with a cordless electric hair clipper.