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Eva Longoria Parker Is Not A Very Good Listener
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FH: "The kids have got me burning the candle at both ends. It's either they want this or they want that and it always changing. We hate cupcakes. No, we love cupcakes. You know, make up your mind about what kind of treats you want to bring in for your class on your birthday, already? And Bill is no help either. He's been in a funk ever since the Coen Brothers stopped returning his calls. I always tell him that sure they might be geniuses, but they're still creepy. The Coens don't have the market cornered on being creepy geniuses. Then there's my agent. This effin guy keeps on hounding me to do this Zac Efron movie. It's a nice payday, but it doesn't challenge me as an actor. I want to be challenged with my craft. I was nominated for an Oscar! Uff. I don't know anymore, Eva. I really don't know."

ELP: "Hey, do you think they still have those big chocolate chip cookies over at craft services? You know, the ones that sort of like a Mrs. Fields cookie?"

[Photo Credit: INF]