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Lindsay Lohan has been doing an awful lot of public babbling regarding her determined efforts not to appear on Momager/pimp Dina Lohan's upcoming reality show. But does her unwillingness to appear have to do with those tightwads at E!'s inability to properly grease her pockets, or is it more that Lindsay is intentionally snubbing her fame-hungry family members? The official answers behind Lindsay's refusal have yet to be revealed, but judging from her current crop of friends, we're praying to the cable gods that either E! comes up with a killer paycheck or Lindsay gives in to Dina's assualt-by-camera tactics. Mainly because Lindsay's new nightlife-traipsing buddies include Lesbian Wingwoman 2.0, a wanna-be music manager and, of course, Samantha Ronson.

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We can't think of a better way to spend our evening than watching these lovely faces parading around town on Lindsay's arm. The NY Post is reporting that Lindsay's new friends, Jeremy Geffen and Courtenay Semel, have her inner circle worried, quoting a source who calls them "leeches." Semel, who you may remember from the reality disaster that was Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive, reportedly swings both ways and is fond of calling Lindsay her "roommate." Meanwhile, Geffen is some kind of music manager (not related to David, though) who pals around with The Other Davis A-Hole. But it's the reunion of RonLo that we really want to see on the small screen, especially now that Sam is on board with Lindsay's preference for packaged meat. If only Dina could slip her some of her old party favors and sneak the cameras in commando, then we'd have a reason to tune in.