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A truly stunning nighttime photo suite of Neverland Ranch, the precursor to such other children-and-one-adult-male-populated ghost towns as Kid Nation's Bonanza City, has surfaced on Flickr. Beneath a starry Santa Barbara sky, such featured attractions as the Sea Dragon, the carousel, and the Huckleberry Finn Boys-Only Dunk Tank And Swedish Sauna Dry-Off Room lie in a state of suspended animation—merely waiting to snap back to life the moment its self-exiled proprietor successfully refinances one of his own children, freeing up the funds to tidy up the Bubble-bones and return the amusement estate to its former glory.

Pictured above, visitors are politely reminded that any head-on collisions with anything resembling a toddler in footsie pajamas hanging off a crescent moon (a recurring Neverland motif, who'll later ripen into the young fisherman in the DreamWorks logo) will simply not be tolerated.

Bonus Abandoned Neverland Link: The estate is a lot less spooky, and a lot more rinky-dink run-down and depressing, in these daytime aerial shots.