The bad news for Eliot Spitzer is that he's been linked to a prostitution ring. But the good news is that it's a high-class prostitution ring. He's not the first public person to get caught having inappropriate sex, and he won't be the last. Spitzer's reputation as the moral Governor may be over — and our idealization of Spitzer ended before this scandal — but that doesn't mean his career is. In the case of sex scandal, there are three models Spitzer can follow.

Be Nice
Remember how Hugh Grant cheated on his then-girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley with a Sunset Boulevard Prostitute? Neither does the rest of America, because Grant went on the offensive soon after the charges were brought against him. Appearing on Jay Leno, Grant was contrite and honest about seeking a prostitute, saying, "I think you know in life what's a good thing to do and what's a bad thing, and I did a bad thing. And there you have it." Things are different for a career politician and family man than a caddish actor, to be sure. But an appearance on NY1 apologizing for his actions could help his follow-up consulting career.

Be Honest
Before Jerry Springer was a musical or a talk show host, he was a politician. When he ran for Governor of Ohio, he also went on the offensive, apologizing for his actions in the clip above. Of course, that strategy didn't work out so well for him politically, but did lead to a successful media career. If Spitzer wants out of politics and anything else high brow, he could be candid with his history with prostitutes, and parlay that into a successful media career.

Pretend Nothing Happened
Larry Craig went wide-stance, refused to resign and is still recruiting interns. This is the likely route for Spitzer. In his speech, he didn't lie, but he didn't directly admit to seeing prostitutes. All he said was that he "acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family, and violates my or any sense of right and wrong." Spitzer has more time, and power, than Craig to make up for this scandal. He can play the move on card and make the most of the next two years.