Cisco employees: are you happy?

A tipster sent us this year's Cisco employee survey. It's 55 questions of "strongly disagree / disagree / neither agree nor disagree / agree / strongly agree / don't know" goodness. Strictly speaking, employees aren't "required" to fill out the survey, but they are strongly encouraged to do so. Welcome to the Fortune 500. If my boss sent me this nonsense, I'd circle "don't know" for every question.
1 In the last 12 months, I was able to take advantage of opportunities to enhance my skills. 2 In my work group, I feel comfortable expressing a different point of view. 3 I have confidence that Cisco takes ethical business concerns seriously. 4 I intend to work for Cisco for at least the next 12 months. 5 My work group cooperates with other work groups to achieve business objectives.
6 I have effective methods of providing feedback to my supervisor.
7 I like the kind of work I do.
8 When I do an excellent job, my accomplishments are recognized.
9 The people in my work group cooperate to get the job done.
10 My work group uses the Cisco Pulse Survey feedback to make improvements.11 My manager treats everyone in my work group fairly.
12 My work group has increased its productivity in the past 12 months.
13 My work group has improved the quality of its products/services in the past 12 months.
14 At Cisco, employees can voice their opinions without fear of retribution.
15 My work group is achieving operational process excellence.16 In Cisco people are rewarded according to their job performance and accomplishments.
17 I have the authority to make decisions that improve the quality of my work.
18 I have the authority to take actions to meet customer success.
19 I would recommend Cisco as a good place to work.
20 I can see a clear link between my work and Cisco's objectives.21 Cisco is honest and open in its communications to employees.
22 I would encourage talented people to join Cisco.
23 I am proud to work for Cisco.
24 I know what skills I will need in the future to be a valuable contributor in Cisco.
25 There is a climate of trust within Cisco.26 I would recommend my work group as a good place to work.
27 Teamwork and Collaboration is common practice at Cisco.
28 Cisco is very well run.
29 Cisco promotes the most qualified people.
30 If I have an ethics concern or question, I know where to go to report it.31 My work group has a climate in which diverse perspectives are valued.
32 My manager supports my efforts to manage my work and personal life.
33 I can get the information I need to do my job.
34 I receive ongoing feedback that helps me improve my performance.
35 The rewards for achieving the results expected of me are worth the effort.36 My work group looks for ways to change processes to improve productivity.
37 In the last 12 months, I have had a meaningful career development discussion with my manager.
38 My job provides me with an appropriate amount of challenge.
39 I understand Cisco's strategy to achieve business results.
40 Cisco's focus on process increases productivity and helps drive growth.41 Processes and procedures allow me to effectively meet my customers' needs.
42 I look forward to a long term career at Cisco.
43 Working here makes me want to do the best work I can.
44 Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work.
45 I am confident that Cisco will continue to lead the networking industry.46 My manager supports development rotations (sharing talent) to and from our work group.
47 Overall, I feel that my career goals can be met at Cisco.
48 We have fun in my work group.
49 I know what resources are available to help me develop new skills.
50 I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills at Cisco.51 I am satisfied with my opportunities to get a better job at Cisco.
52 Cisco's senior leadership team is effective at communicating our strategy and culture.
53 I am confident in the senior leadership team's ability to implement our strategy.
54 I believe in Cisco.s strategy for developing the future of networking.
55 I value how Cisco's Corporate Social Responsibility (e.g. Networking Academy, 21st Century Schools, Cisco Foundation, Civic Councils, Community programs, etc.) positively impacts the way Cisco is perceived in the community