· We meant to get to this earlier, but alas, we never did. This morning brought news that slow-core indie auteur David Gordon Green is planning on remaking Suspiria, Dario Argento's late '70s giallo masterwork. While we think the world of DGG, we're not sure his talents are best suited to remaking Argento's candy-colored classic. That said, here's hoping he doesn't try to pull a Gus Van Sant and try to go shot-for-shot with his remake. Warning, this video of the climax of one of the most terrifying (yet also most perfectly art-directed) scenes in cinema history is NSFW. [MTV Movie Blog]
· Wondering what the controlled substance was that got Gummi Bear Davis in hot water? Would you believe us if we told you it was heroin? Shocking, we know. [TMZ]
· Leave it to the Latvian Symphony Orchestra to out-do Europe's triumphant "The Final Countdown." We always knew they had it in 'em. [I Heart Chaos via Gorilla Mask]
· As SXSW approaches, we can think of no person that better represents the plight of indie musicians these days than Rachael Ray. [The Hater]
· There Will Be Bud! [Funny Or Die]