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We're not sure we can forgive the crotchety old Tribune Company owner. It's one thing to curse at your staff. And making layoffs is harsh but necessary. But doing away with public tours of the L.A. Times headquarters? Sam Zell, you just crossed the line, big time. As part of a cost-saving measure, the L.A. Times is canceling tours and their resident guide Darrell Kunitom is accepting a buyout. Full buyout list, including Pulitzer Prize winners and a good chunk of the Times's Washington bureau, after the jump. [via LA Observed]

Crust, Kevin—Calendar Darling, Jill—poll Delson, Jennifer—Metro Doggrell, Glenn—Designer Fantazia, Joan—Features Furlong, Tom—National Green, Julie—Editorial pages Griggs, Greg—Ventura Hale, Liz—magazine designer Hunt, Don—Metro Kang, Connie—Metro Krikorian, Greg—Metro Kunitomi, Darrell—tour guide Levin, Myron—Metro Nazario, Sonia—project writer Neal, Ron—features designer Norwood, Robyn—Sports Piccalo, Gina—Features Pinkus, Susan—poll Rabin, Jeff—Metro