Gawker founding editor Elizabeth Spiers is a demanding critic—not even Evelyn Waugh's brilliant The Loved One impressed her enough to receive that fifth star in her Facebook book ratings—so her three-out-of-five stars to travel writer Lawrence Osborne's The Naked Tourist are no surprise. Except that travel writer Lawrence Osborne is her boyfriend. Maybe Spiers just knocked off those two stars as punishment for Osborne taking her to Brazil on the world's worst airline? (And They All Die in the End, Spiers' first novel, is due this summer.) UPDATE/CORRECTION: Spiers comments, below.

Actually, I didn't rate any of those books. I assume the stars are the aggregate rating from other people who have read them. If I were going to rate them, they're all very good, though The Loved One is not my favorite Waugh. As for my boyfriend's book, it's excellent—five stars—as is his previous book, The Accidental Connoisseur. (See? Even people who aren't sleeping with him think so!)

Also, the Flaubert is hilarious, but a little hard to find, which probably is why no one has rated it yet.