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Bastard toddler network The CW has had a bit of a rough time rebounding after the writers strike, its slate failing to find traction with an audience comprised almost entirely of easily distracted tweenagers and confused elderly disappointed to learn they hadn't found a new home for Hee Haw reruns. Six of their series recently learned they had been spared the guillotine, including the always-dependable America's Next Top Model, the under-performing Gossip Girl, and the hanging-by-a-thread Everybody Hates Chris; sadly, however the same could not be said for 25 ill-fated staffers just handed their pink slips—curiously enough, printed on the netlet's branded green. From Variety:

More than 25 staffers have been let go — including Kim Fleary, the CW's exec VP of comedy development, and her No. 2, senior VP of comedy Steve Veisel.

While the comedy department was eliminated, the CW has merged its remaining drama and current programming units into one scripted series department.

In deference to the fallen department, surviving staffers have mounted a silent protest, closing all official e-mail correspondences today with a single, frowning emoticon. The sad-face symbol is a simple yet potent reminder of all the single-camera, half-hour projects that will forever go undeveloped, the script notes never given, and all due to the avarice of corporate higher-ups who'd sooner let the laughter die if it meant guaranteeing 155 more cycles of weave-tugging, appointment Top Model TV.