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A tipster emails from the Future of Web Apps conference in Miami with a Julia Allison and Kevin Rose sighting. Guess that Pownce invite worked on Julia. The conference was described by one attendee as "basically a war between PHP and Ruby on Rails." Well, it seems like some are having a good time. Check out the tipster's email and full-size pics below, enhanced slightly for clarity.

Basically, they've been all over each other the entire time here. A friend almost got a pic of the two walking together alone but came out too dark to tell what was going on. We did see them walking alone to the beach though. The club/cafe Nikki Beach in South Beach has been their breeding ground. Ask anyone who's been there for the beach party and they'll likely confirm.

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Kevin and Julia.

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Julia in red, CNet's Caroline McCarthy to her right and Kevin Rose on the left with the drink.