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Jimmy Wales loves to talk about "transparency" and "a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge." Unless it's about his scandal-prone girlfriend. Wales, who is divorcing his second wife Christine, has been secretly seeing conservative TV commentator Rachel Marsden since last fall, friends say. Wales apparently took notice of Marsden when Wikipedia users started an edit war over her page. Marsden, known as "Canada's Ann Coulter," has quite a history: She's been accused of stalking. She plead guilty to charges of criminal harassment in 2004. Most recently, she was escorted out of the Fox News building in New York after an alleged contretemps.

Wikipedia watchers have already noted Wales's close interest in Marsden's writeup; the controversy reportedly led to an in-person meeting.

"I was on a date that night in Georgetown with someone exponentially more high-profile and infinitely more secure in his manhood than [Fox News host] Greg Gutfeld," Marsden told Gawker earlier this month. That someone, it turns out, was Wales. Marsden later told my colleague Ryan Tate, while discussing an unrelated matter, that she thought Wales was "hot." She was being uncharacteristically discreet: In another conversation, she described the encounter as "24 hours of marathon sex."

Wikipedia's rules prohibit anyone from posting about the affair on Wales's page. That is, not until it's documented somewhere else online. For example, here.