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In a much publicized public-relations move training exercise, Starbucks closed all its stores for three hours yesterday to "retrain" employees on how to pour the perfect cup of joe. Seems like baristas should really know how to do that already, but whatever. What actually went down?

Starbucks has a new sign posted in its stores: "Your drink should be perfect, every time. If not, let us know and we'll make it right." A lofty goal. Espresso shots are now being poured into shot glasses first, instead of directly into your cup. The theory is that baristas will be able to tell if the espresso is too strong or weak before schlepping it to you, at the expense of a few seconds of prep time. Unfortunately for purists, Starbucks will still be using automatic espresso machines, but Ann-Marie Kurtz, Starbucks' manager of global coffee and tea education — does that fit on a business card? — says "it's not as simple as pushing a button."

Did you go to Starbucks today? Was your cup somehow more perfect today than it was before yesterday? Do share in the comments.

(Photo by AP/Eric Risberg)