Valleywag is hiring. Applicants should send nothing but the URL of their blog (or other body of writing, available online) to Also, you'll want to have read our conveniently leaked style guide, and found yourself nodding in agreement. Applicants must already live in the Bay Area, or present evidence of the booking of a one-way U-Haul rental. The jobs:

  • Senior editor: A second-in-command to take turns running the site with the managing editor (yours truly). Broad industry knowledge, editing experience, and wicked sense of humor required.
  • Nights and weekends editor: A workaholic night owl whose twitchy news sense will keep the site running 24/7, or a semblance thereof.
  • Reporter: Ideally, a ubiquitous party attendee who also enjoys rummaging through court filings and reading IPO prospectuses. Vicious streak preferred.
  • Intern: Speedreading feedreaders encouraged to apply. Bonus points if you spot things that end up on Digg before they end up on Digg.