It's an acronym, actually, and it means Not Safe For Work. This week was filled with great NSFW stuff: Lindsay Lohan's boobs, Gene Simmons's sex tape and even part of the Paris Hilton's nipple. But the only thing more depressing than seeing a former rock legend with a flexible blonde is not being able to see it at work. (NSFW)

The work to leisure ratio depends on the office job, but most people aren't spending eight hours filling out TK-9 reports. If anything, Lindsay Lohan's nipples are less of a time waster than streaming back episodes of the Real World Duel II.

But NSFW exists because of a delusion that people don't watch NSFW things outside of W. But everyone watches, streams and downloads porn. Quite a few people even in create their own.

As Hearts circa Windows 1998 put it, at work, you are not going unobserved. Unless you have a private office or work from home, there's always a chance that someone could walk behind your desk and see you watching to 2 Girls, 1 Cup.

With computers, our professional lives and private interests are pent up in a semi-private screen. People can see what you're doing, and not doing. And that sucks harder than the chick from the Gene Simmons video.

Oh and here are your NSFW nipples. Hope that didn't you get you fired.