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Mojo Supreme President Ashkan Karbasfrooshan took pity on the rest of us yesterday and explained "Why Most VC-Backed, Ad-Supported Companies Are Doomed to Fail." "Because they are not Ashkan," is the 5-word version, but here's another 100, if you want more glorious detail. (Note to readers: Most startups fail because most startups fail. Nine out of ten VC-backed companies end ingloriously, industry lore has it; Sand Hill Road makes its money on the big hits.)

Many angel investors or VCs lack experience in advertising sales. VCs come from technology. At my old job, as VP of Ad Sales, I learned a lot about ad sales. My client list and ad agency relationships were second to none. This isn't me tooting my own horn. I am successful because I made no assumptions. I asked questions, read a lot.Over time I became someone that others turn to. VCs or angels think they know it all. They should realize they are not well-versed in ad sales. I am starting to see the advantage I have over other entrepreneurs. That is why I've been able to build the company.