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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often—the fate of the universe relies upon it! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted Tara Reid having her credit card denied at Blockbuster.

In today's episode: Don Cheadle; Aaron Sorkin and Rick Schroder; Gary Oldman; Matt Groening; Josh Duhamel and Fergie; John Lithgow; Jason Segel; Amy Smart and Branden Williams; Natasha Gregson Wagner; Tara Reid; Vernon Wells; A Martinez; Christopher Knight; Militia; David Leisure; and Angelyne.

· Feb. 13, 3:15 p.m.: While waiting for the 212 bus at the corner of Wilshire and La Brea, I saw Don Cheadle heading north in a silver Lexus that appeared to be a rental based on the wording on the rear window, fiddling with his Blackberry while waiting for the light to turn green. He seemed to be in a good mood, which I assume meant that the text on his device had nothing to do with Darfur.

· Aaron Sorkin classing up the lunchtime crowd at Orso, having a sweet Valentine's Day meal with what looked like his elderly agent. I couldn't hear their dialogue but I'm certain it was sharp and witty. No crack pipe in sight, although Sorkin did take an especially long time in the mens room. Just saying. Across the restaurant, Ricky Schroder and a publicist type. They were initially seated right next to us but asked to be moved to the back corner. Apparently the Ricker needs his privacy. While we're chatting, how sweet would a Sorkin-penned "Silver Spoons" revival be? I'd watch just to see how he could turn the train in the living room into an unsubtle commentary on the war in Iraq.

· Gary Oldman seen on Saturday night at Peppone's in Brentwood. He was hosting a very small private birthday dinner for his best friend in the little private room behind the bar. Gary in a suit looked dashing and Olivier-like. With him was his stunning date, the same Lady he has been seen with during the past months.

· I saw Matt Groening on my Virgin flight to SF on Friday evening (2/15). He was by himself and had a seat in first class. I so wanted to say something to him, but what's there to say that hasn't been said before? My girlfriend heard him call his mother as we walked past him. He's a mensch.

· On Saturday afternoon (1-16) me and my lovely lady (and her lumps) were hunkering down for a pre-wedding nosh with her mom on the patio at I Cugini in Santa Monica. Next to me sat a ridiculously good-looking guy, sipping a beer, with hair that looked like it had been used to mop the floor of a Crisco plant. Across from him sat a woman with an enormous pair of shiny glossy lips under a pair of outsized sunglasses and floppy hat. So low-key were they that I didn't recognize them as Josh Duhamel and Fergie until my fiancee whispered it to me. The bling must've given it away; she was sporting a rock the size of a disco ball.

· Spotted John Lithgow enjoying a casual meal at Comme Ca last night (2/12). He is very tall and very polite. It probably wouldn't be worth mentioning, but I loved "3rd Rock from the Sun" too much not to get a lil excited. Or maybe that was just the tasty french onion soup.

· Saturday, 2/16 — Jason Segel looking dapper at Bar Marmont. He is one towering motherfucker.

· Friday night (2/15) at the newly opened Akasha in Culver City, Amy Smart with fiance Branden Williams. Akasha Richmond herself immediately came out to greet them shortly after as they were seated and spent probably a good 15 minutes away from the kitchen chatting them up. Then some other guy (manager, possibly) came over and talked their ears off for a while longer. Branden seemed to enjoy the attention somewhat but Amy looked like she just wanted to eat in peace, and who could blame her.

· Had a weird experience at Canele in Atwater Village last night. Was having dinner with friends when I noticed a very attractive woman at a nearby table. I thought, "God, she looks familiar. Do I know her? Did we go out once? If we did... why aren't we married? Hope she's on Nerve or Match or something." Then I realized that my future wife was Natasha Gregson Wagner... and felt like a total jerk for staring at her. The beef bourguignon was amazing, though. Good times.

· Toluca Lake Thursday 3pm

Tara Reid enters building that houses a lot of reality tv production companies flanked by several black suited agent types.

Tara looks anorexic, tanorexic and drunk but I say whatever reality show she is pitching they should buy because she is a rough looking Hot Mess Trainwreck.

Note: This has not been posted by Tara Reid's representatives

· Saw everyone's favorite blonde, Tara Reid, at a Blockbuster on the west side this afternoon. (Feb 14) Could not see what she rented but she did have trouble with her credit card - forgot she had it cancelled.

· 2/14 While waiting in line for a table at the Pantry for a post Aretha Franklin concert pork chop, noticed a guy paying who looked he could have passed for Freddie Mercury at one time. Took about half a minute to figure out that I was looking at Vernon Wells, you might know him as Bennett from "Commando." Seemed like a nice enough guy out for the night to "blow off some steam."

· Good thing it wasn't the Visa Black card! Rides in a sweet Porsche!

· Feb. 14 - A Martinez at the Thousand Oaks Mall. Hanging around Penney's (like he was waiting for someone) then popped into The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Very handsome and friendly, but didn't draw attention to himself. He seemed like a nice guy.

· Saw Christopher Knight (the Brady, not the art critic, though wouldn't that mix-up make for an AWESOME "Curb Your Enthusiasm" episode?) at the table next to us at La Boheme last night, having dinner sans La Curry with two others. Dude has a very small head relative to his body. His friends made the waiter take a photo of the three of them at the table — evidently it is not enough to eat dinner with Peter Brady; one must have photographic proof as well. I was *this close* to making rabbit ear's behind his wee little head (and based on how we were seated, I totally could have pulled it off), but chickened out at the last minute.

· Saturday, 2-16, 1ish, Gold's Gym on Cole: An American Gladiator sighting! And not just any AmGlad, but Militia — the gayporniest one of them all! Dude was bedecked in Militiawear— meshy, khaki, vesty number. Face kind of like a gargoyle or one of those scary devil masks. Not speaking or looking at anyone. Just whaling on those pythons. Guy's got a helluva day job— I'd probably be in the gym too. Oh wait—I was.

· File this under 'not much of a sighting - but I'll submit it anyway' - David Leisure of Empty Nest fame - circa 1988 was in Trader Joe's Valencia Wednesday 2/13 wearing cargo pants and a blue sweater. I said 80's right? Took me a while to realize who he was - yet thanks to Golden Girl reruns and cross-over characters, the ah-ha moment hit me. I saw him do his shtick to the woman offering free linguine and clam sauce with a side of garlic toast sampler plate. He walked around with the typical 'don't you know who I used to be' look - whilst trying to act normal and fit in with the 'rest' of us shoppers.

Angelyne at Rexall at 5:20pm on Sunday, February 17th. She didn't actually park in a legal spot ... Just sprawled across the entrance.