Those damn kids with their damn cellphone computers, always making noise during class with their text IMs and the picture mail. Wouldn't it be nice if we could find a practical use for all that techno-garbage and have the added bonus of not having to hear those pimply faced idiots' squeaky little voices? Well, it looks like we're there! At Yale they've implemented a brand new technology called zuku, that allows students in large lecture classes to text message questions to some sort of computer server interface RAM that will answer their questions straight away (or at least make the professor aware of them so she can answer them later.) Apparently it's become too hard to address children who raise their hands and ask questions verbally. The technology also allows students to text an answer to a class-wide multiple choice question, thereby immediately giving the teacher an indication of how many kids are keeping up with the material. In my opinion it's new-fangled and awful. But no one will listen to me until the campus green is littered with the corpses of students lost to hoverboard accidents. [Yale Daily News]