Which apparently is not breaking news! But since at least two of us on the Gawker late shift didn't know, I'm just making sure we're all on the same page. I mean, when I read this lede — "The Spice Girls would love to perform for former South African President Nelson Mandela, but said on Monday they had not yet been formally asked to be part of his planned 90th birthday celebrations in June" — I nearly blogged that line without comment, you know? It turns out Mandela, who met the group in 1997, invited them to perform last year at his 89th birthday party, but Baby Spice was too pregnant. But so far, no new invite. Clearly Mandela has learned that the band really can't make a comeback, so he went big and invited Chumbawumba. After the jump, two men go through the exact same thought process in Dutch, though they pronounce "Chumbawumba" as "Pinochet."