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Yesterday's surprise announcement that Steven Spielberg would not, in fact, be contributing to the Beijing summer games—having enacted the force genocide clause of his contract that allowed him to pull out if he found the host-country to be bankrolling a very unsportsmanlike systematic human slaughter—caused human rights groups the world over to sing the director's praises. (Amnesty International went so far as to issue a statement absolving the director "of all perceived misdeeds, including the last 7 minutes of War of the Worlds.")

We've now read this story about the incident twice, however, and failed both times to find any mention of the broad, Spielberg-boycotting actions referred to in the headline. (The 10th paragraph does mention that they are preparing a response.) Still, should Spielberg find himself a director non grata inside the borders of the most populous nation on the planet—subjected to a Supreme and Glorified People's Movie Ratings Committee-sanctioned protest in which every copy of the director's oeuvre (except 1941, Hook, and The Terminal) was incinerated in a massive, air-polluting bonfire staged in Tiananmen Square—it seems a small price to pay for following one's conscience.