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Didn't Mariah Carey ever hear of a lil' success story called America Ferrara? If not, will whomever is responsible for tanning, plucking, and waxing her 24/7 please remind Mimi that you gotta get ugly to get your hands on a little gold man. Currently filming the (we predict straight-to-DVD) movie Tennessee (that's Mimz on set above) Carey plays a southern waitress with some grooming problems. Like, she's not pretty. But Mariah is! Or so she thinks!

"While she consented to cornrows, she passed on the fake nose and busy eyebrows that had been conceived for the part. 'When she saw the nose, she called her people...she did seem very insecure about her appearance.'"

Mariah insecure about her looks? Doubtful these days, but we think we know the reason behind her stage fright.

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Pre-Hollywoodization, Pariah had herself some serious unibrow action, along with a moderately plumper nose. Just the very sight of excess hair and rhinoplasty leftovers on the props table must've sent Missy into a panicky trip down memory lane. We just hope she didn't rush over to Sunset Tan for a 60-minute fake bake. On the other hand, that might just make her "ugly" enough for the role!