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Oh dear. For those of you who actually sleep at night, you missed a whopper of an evening at the Spears household. After Britney's newly assigned psychiatrist visited her at her house in the early evening, he found her condition and recent antics so dismal, he contacted the LAPD in an attempt to have her officially committed to UCLA Medical Center — a plan that TMZ reports was "days in the making". What followed was an all-night is-she-or-isn't-she-sane frenzy, the timeline of which we've etched out for you after the jump:

7:30pm: Britney's new shrink visits Britney with Lynne Spears in tow, launching rumors (as reported by Page Six) that he rushed to her house because she'd attempted to commit suicide (these rumors have since been debunked.)
11pm: The LAPD arrive at Britney's mansion. Police were reportedly instructed to refer to Britney as "The Package."
12am: Ambulances arrive to transport Britney, once again strapped into a gurney, to UCLA Medical Center.
2am: Just like in GurneyGate 1.0, Britney is held at the hospital on yet another 5150-Crazycakes-Alert.
4am: After doctors' examinations, the LAPD confirms to TMZ that Britney has been ordered to remain in the hospital for a "three day psychiatric hold" under supervision. But in the same breath, TMZ reports that the stay will likely to be extended to 14 days.
5am: US Weekly issues a report that Spears hasn't slept since Saturday, adding substance to the shrink's quick decision to send her to the hospital ASAP.

Phew. Did you get all that?

[Photo Credit: X17]