NBC Greenlights Second Season Of Just-Successful-Enough 'Celeb Apprentice'

· Encouraged by the good-enough numbers generated by viewers lured to Celebrity Apprentice by the depressing lack of programming alternatives, NBC greenlights a second season of Donald Trump's salvaged franchise. Calls are already flooding in from other lesser-Baldwins, starving reality-show alumni, and aging supermodels hoping to fill out the next installment's roster of semi-recognizable names. [Variety]
· Though Fox, powered by American Idol and The Moment of Truth, is rolling along during a strike-affected early 2008, this week the top five broadcasters are down 21% in the 18-49 demographic compared to the same period from last year. [Variety]
· As long as we're on the topic of Fox's recent Nielsen domination, Idol and a new episode of House induced the customary morning-after bouts of despair in the network's floundering rivals. [THR]
· Marie Osmond, America's Mysteriously Fainting, Misfortune-Plagued Dancing with the Stars Darling, is looking to return to daytime TV. [THR]
· Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, and unfamous friend Sean Bailey disband LivePlanet the multimedia company that once produce our beloved Project Greenlight. Gulager! [Variety]