Until Ryan Seacrest called in sick for last night's SAG Awards, we'd always just kinda assumed that E! had procured him in from the hallowed halls of the Cyberdnye Systems Corporation. Turns out that maybe, just maybe, he is human after all. We just got a call from E! letting us know that Ry Guy had (gasp!) "the flu" last night. But, as with any ongoing investigation, there's always more. Moments ago, a source at Details Magazine told us that Seacrest managed to show up at Pier 59 in Los Angeles on-time and ready to shoot their April cover. Says our source:

"He really is sick! But every other actor shows up to our call times like, hours late, and Ryan came right on time, germs and all."

We are suddenly overwhelmed with newfound respect for the jolly jokester, but also find ourselves haunted by one burning question: how bad of a flu could he POSSIBLY have had if he was unable to cover the Most Important Red Carpet™ of our time yet was able to successfully complete his radio show early this morning AND show up to an hours-long shoot in a stuffy LA studio? As always, with these things, we leave you with this ... DEVELOPING!