The FCC's brand of puritanical justice may not be swift, but it is severe: this afternoon, the Guardians of Primetime Morality suggested $1.4 million in fines for ABC's transgressions against federal anti-sideboob statutes committed in a 2003 (!) episode of NYPD Blue that "dwelled" upon a "small portion of one side of [an actress's] breasts" in "shocking and titillating" fashion. (Also, an unacceptable display of partially revealed buttocks were mentioned.) ABC has already responded: "When the brief scene in question was telecast almost five years ago, this critically acclaimed drama had been on the air for a decade and the realistic nature of its story lines was well known to the viewing public," a nod to the series' envelope-pushing early days, when weekly scenes of a seminude Dennis Franz helped cement its hit status. [B&C]