'Supermodel' Devolves Into A Girl-On-Girl-On-Guy-On-Guy Free-For-All
We must admit, for a reality show we initially wrote off as being pointless and shamelessly derivative, Bravo's Make Me A Supermodel has us by the throats. We'll watch some episodes two, three, 17 times. It's also the rare reality show we insist on watching alone. Go figure! With that surfer/D.J. creep Dominic sent packing by America last night, mumbling something about how ill-fitting shoes have cost him his shot at male supermodel greatness, we could finally get down to brass tacks:
Namely, the sensual awakening of latent homosexual Ben (a married-with-child prison guard from Nashville), through the blossoming of a love-that-dare -better-speak-its-name -by-the-end -of-the-season with certified homosexual roommate, Ronnie. (Our fave. Tee hee!) But while things developed nicely on that front, we were also pleasantly aroused surprised to see the rest of the cast exploring their same-sex-ravishing sides in a photo shoot at the Chelsea Hotel. Enjoy this montage of all the supermodel-on-supermodel action: a little something for everyone! It is Friday, after all.